(Hi! Mikayla here. I have been busy trying to make sure our website remains as up-to-date as possible. New information is brought about on a daily basis as the situation continues to evolve. For simplicity's sake, I have moved the bulk of our COVID-19 updates to its own webpage, which you can access on the menu above. Below contains the main take-home points for anyone inquiring about the specific changes our office has adopted.)
Our office remains open for appointments, patient inquiries, and concerns. Our goal during this period is to continue with your ongoing patient care as well as to prevent unnecessary trips to the emergency department during this time (when applicable).
When possible, we are trying NOT to see patients in-person at the office. We want to do our part in physical distancing and staying home. That said, we are trying our best to work at the office in case of emergencies or when physical assessments have been deemed necessary. However, we strongly recommend phoning our office first as we have made the adjustments to work from home.
If you have a previously booked appointment, the appointment still remains. Please contact the office if you would rather cancel, rebook to a later date, or transfer to a virtual care appointment (via telephone or video calls). If you are wishing to book a new appointment, attend one of our walk-in clinics, or attend a previously booked appointment, please use our *NEW* Online Booking Form.
For more information, please visit our COVID-19 UPDATE page.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these new policies, please do not hesitate to contact us.